Ayahuasca Shamanism with Peruvian Shaman Don Gino Chaka-Runa
fre. 07. okt.
|Auditorium 4, Harald Schjelderups Hus
Don Gino Chaka-Runa comes from Puno, the highlands of Peru and has extensive experience in working with Master Plants from the Peruvian Amazon and Andes.

Tid og sted
07. okt. 2022, 16:00
Auditorium 4, Harald Schjelderups Hus, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo, Norge
Om arrangementet
It is our great pleasure to invite you to a lecture and performance from Peruvian shaman Don Gino Chaka-Runa.
Don Gino Chaka-Runa comes from Puno, the highlands of Peru and has extensive experience in working with Master Plants from the Peruvian Amazon and Andes.
You can read more about his work here:
His grandfather was a Yatiri from the lineage of the Incas, which was the highest level for a Curandero or Healer. He solely spoke Quechua and passed away at the age of 100.
He initiated Don Gino in the Shamanic path at the young age of 15 and gave him the name of Chaka-Runa, which means The Bridge Man in Quechua. At that time he was introduced into the knowledge of Andean Cosmovision, Shamanism and the use of Sacred Medicine Plants.
Along his path following the Andean Ancient Shamanic Knowledge, he strongly felt the call of the Amazon and started doing Plant Medicine and Master Plants Dietas at the Munay Retreat in Pucallpa-Peru, headed by Don José Campos, by whom he was further trained.
Don Gino belongs among the Mestizo Maestros’ line. At the beginning of this lineage was Don Solon Tello, Don Guillermo Hojanama and Don José Campos (the first two already passed away). He also embraced the knowledge of the Shipibo lineage learning their practices and Icaros.
This is an extremely rare opportunity to encounter the indigenous origins of psychedelic knowledge. We hope to see you there